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CIIE: A Platform of High-standard Opening up

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2023-11-16 10:22:54 | Author: Li Lin Xu

By LI Linxu

The 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) witnessed a record-breaking 78.41 billion USD worth of tentative deals reached for one-year purchases of goods and services, injecting new dynamism into the global economy.

The China Pavilion at the 6th CIIE in Shanghai. (PHOTO: LI Linxu/S&T Daily)

As the world's first national-level import expo, CIIE is serving as a platform of high-standard opening up that allows China's enormous market to be shared by the world.

"It's an honor for Serbia to be presented as one of the guest countries of honor at this year's expo," Danijel Nikolic, assistant secretary general of the Government of Serbia, told Science and Technology Daily (S&T Daily). He said that CIIE is an important platform of China's high-standard opening up, through which Serbian companies have reached many cooperation agreements with their Chinese partners.

Honduras is also one of the guest countries of honor at this year's expo. Yadira Gómez, tourism minister of Honduras, told S&T Daily that CIIE is also an important platform to promote culture and people-to-people exchanges. Through CIIE, participants from around the world have opportunities to know more about Honduras.

"For Japanese companies, CIIE is a great platform to showcase their products and explore cooperation opportunities in China," Ueno Asako, minister from Embassy of Japan in China, told S&T Daily. About 350 Japanese companies took part in this year's expo, and she hoped that there will be more Japanese companies coming to CIIE next year.

"Next year, we plan to reserve the area of Iran's pavilion at least four times bigger," Hossein Ghaheri, CEO of Iran-China Cooperation Development Group, told S&T Daily, adding that CIIE is very important for Iran. Through it, visitors from around the world can see Iran's leading technologies and specialty products.

Innovation is also a defining feature of this year's expo, showcasing a diverse array of 442 new products, technologies, and services.

"CIIE is truly exceptional for its scale and diversity," Liao Honggang, professor from Xiamen University, told S&T Daily, adding that CIIE is a great platform for exchanges and conducive to transforming sci-tech achievements.

"We firmly believe that the Chinese market will continue to play a pivotal role in the global pharmaceutical innovation, poised to unlock substantial potential," said Paul Hudson, CEO of Sanofi, adding that Sanofi will persistently deepen engagement in China.

"Thanks to CIIE, EY has reached cooperation with many enterprises," Titus von dem Bongart, EY Partner, told S&T Daily, adding that EY is committed to growing with the Chinese market.

"CIIE has provided a great opportunity not only for showcasing cutting-edge technologies and products, but also for exchanges and cooperation for enterprises," said Zhao Yao, general manager of Omron Healthcare (China).

Tapping into China's vast market opportunities, 3,486 companies from 128 countries and regions have participated in the event.

Editor: 李林旭

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