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WEEKLY REVIEW (Mar. 16-22)

Source: 科技日报 | 2023-03-23 09:50:43 | Author: 王晓夏


MOST Releases Top 10 Scientific Advances

The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) released the top 10 domestic scientific advances of 2022 on March 17. At the top of the list is the Martian subsurface structure revealed by Mars rover Zhurong.

New Plant Species Discovered

Chinese researchers have discovered two new plant species, namely an orchid species and a primrose species, in the Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan, said the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on March 17.

A Kind of Eco-friendly Glass Developed

The researchers from the Institute of Process Engineering under the CAS created a family of eco-friendly glasses of biological origin, which can be biodegraded and recycled with a minimal environmental footprint, according to the study published on March 18 in the journal Science Advances.

Unmanned Self-driving Service Approved in Special Area

Beijing greenlighted the commercial operation of autonomous driving service without in-car safety supervisors for the first time on March 17, allowing Baidu and Pony.ai to provide fully driverless rides in a 60-square-kilometer area of the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area.

Editor: 王晓夏

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